What are the most prominent qualities of dental plaque? It's invisible, sticky, film-like, and bacterial in its nature. It is also the single biggest obstacle to maintaining strong, healthy teeth and gums. Here at Premier Family Dental Care, we
Clifton dentist office make it among our highest priorities to keep you shielded from the consequences of dental plaque to the greatest extent possible, and to treat the effects of it when they are not preventable.
When you eat food or drink beverages that contain sugar, you are fueling the growth of dental plaque. When it comes to this situation, starches like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes are included as being sugar, too. You need not give them all up, but you should try to cut back. Less plaque in your mouth means less chance of dental decay and gum disease. Your first line of defense against the impact of dental plaque is to brush your teeth. Do so when you wake up every morning. Do it again before bed, along with a thorough flossing between your teeth. Ideally, you should also brush after meals. By adhering to the above strategy, when you come to our Clifton dentist office for your twice-yearly oral examination, you are less likely to have developed cavities or gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. If you have, though, the timely care of fillings to address cavities and a teeth cleaning at our Clifton dentist office will mean that those issues do not have the opportunity to advance and create further complications, such as toothaches, infections, loss of gum and bone tissue, and more.
Dental plaque does not have to cause you undue difficulties. Give yourself the best possible chances of optimal oral wellness, both now and moving forward, by contacting us now to schedule an appointment at our
Clifton dentist office.
By Premiere Family Dental Care
December 30, 2018
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