Dentist in Clifton
There is no doubt whatsoever of the important role that teeth cleanings play in promoting your overall oral health. At Premier Family Dental Care, we believe in it so much that we want to encourage new patients to take advantage of the benefits of teeth cleaning. That is why our
dentist in Clifton is offering an incredible special: a full dental exam, x-rays, and a teeth cleaning all for just $99.
Teeth cleanings serve to finish the job that brushing and flossing start. Dental plaque is a filmy bacterial substance that grows on and between your teeth. It's that coating you can feel when you wake up in the morning. And it's why you have morning breath. Brushing first thing upon getting up, and again at bedtime, with thorough flossing also added for the second go round, is a great way to keep plaque from harming your teeth and gums. Plaque causes both tooth decay and gum disease. And any of it that is not removed as part of your brushing and flossing hardens into tartar. That is why you need teeth cleanings every six months. Our
dentist in Clifton will examine your teeth carefully, and take x-rays. If plaque and tartar have caused the development of any cavities, it is best to have them treated with a filling right away. It's equally vital to prevent future cavities. As for your gums, plaque and tartar may lead to mild irritation and/or redness, the indicators of gingivitis, which is early stage gum disease. Teeth cleanings prevent gingivitis from becoming periodontitis, the later stage. So there's an extra reason to make sure you get one twice per year.
Why not contact us today and arrange a time to come in for a full examination by our
dentist in Clifton and a teeth cleaning? Your teeth and gums depend on it.
Premier Family Dental Care
1000 Clifton Ave
Clifton, New Jersey 07013
(973) 773-0001
By Premiere Family Dental Care
January 29, 2018
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